Since 1996 Volume XXIII
Jennifer Givhan,
a Mexican-American poet and novelist, has earned NEA and PEN/Rosenthal
Emerging Voices fellowships. Her books include Landscape with
Headless Mama (2015 Pleiades Editors’ Prize), Protection Spell (2016
Miller Williams Poetry Prize Series), Girl with Death Mask (2017
Blue Light Books Prize), Rosa’s Einstein (2019 Camino Del Sol
Poetry Series), and two novels, Trinity Sight and Jubilee (Blackstone
Publishing). Her honors include the Frost Place Latinx Scholarship, a
National Latinx Writers’ Conference Scholarship, the Lascaux Review
Poetry Prize, Phoebe Journal’s Greg Grummer Poetry Prize, The Pinch
Poetry Prize, the Joy Harjo Poetry Prize 2nd place, and fifteen Pushcart
nominations. Her work has appeared in Best of the Net, Best New
Poets, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, Ploughshares, POETRY, The New
Republic, New England Review, Salon, The Rumpus, TriQuarterly, Boston
Review, AGNI, Crazyhorse, Witness, Southern Humanities Review, Missouri
Review, and The Kenyon Review. She lives near the Sleeping
Sister volcanoes in New Mexico with her family, and can be found
discussing feminist motherhood at jennifergivhan.com,
Facebook, & Twitter @JennGivhan.
—All poems are Copyright © Jennifer
Givhan. PoetryMagazine.com is published by Gilford Multimedia LLC www.nycny.net |
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