            Since 1996 Volume XXViV

a series of dialogs
Interviews by Jesse Demares

poets. #14 features Mary Barnet.

Mary: o no...it would be a help! Maybe
you could be a regular feature.
I want " poetry from isolation" please!
The things you suggested are good for
Me: some poets you could check on for
"isolation poems" might be Evelyn Augusto, Kat Copeland, the Dailey haiku, Annie Petrie, arustamyan anahit,
Siobahn Davies, Winter Familia
and the southern fire poetry society
for starters.
Mary: I have time now...want to spend more time on it. Maybe have a contest.
free ads or another prize...a small print from my private collection maybe.
Need a way to take entry fees.
a bank account???
begging really!
Me: I want to help Deanna by plugging her
KINDERWHORE series book3 with a brief
clearly intense review. She's successfully
got book1 and book2 out.
Book3 "Japanese Dreams" is coming out
October 2020.
And her poetry publication The Razor's
Wine issue 1 of volume 2 which will be the Summer Anniversary issue is due out
June 15.
Mary: sure review plugging her...and an interview or 2. Maybe me too. Very little
by or about me in the magazine. also
link...got to redo that.
Me: so we barter?
Mary: got to be for pay. magazine bills or ads for your work..
Sure ...there's a page on there but I always make a deal that is affordable to buyer. Got to make ad...never did it myself...will get help. I'm pretty smart though and learn fast.
No pay not poetry.com
...business venture.
PoetryMagazine.com strictly volunteer
except I pay all the bills and could use help. Sorry to disappoint you but as you will find out: poetry will not make you any money, especially if it is good.
Me: Mary I will help you with ideas. That's what I do.how about I donate a t-shirt or hoodie print design. Then you can try and trade ad space for blank tshirts and printing etc.
Mary: what's your email? Will send you my resume for convention in Japan.
Video.first one.had to disguise my bed.lol
Will get screen when I have money.a secret for friends until I am free to put it online on MaryBarnet.com
and/or PoetryMagazine.com
I deserve a little publicity too.
Don't you think?
Put my first poem in 15 years on my page recently. Will put something of yours on cover eventually when you have an ad in or video!
A donation for time and effort. Work if it
doesn't scare them away, that is, on an individual basis on ability to pay small amount...fee. pr...call it work. You don't have to pay anything on small
Me: I'm sure you've paid your dues. We all
have. Use your name. Put your poetry in there.
We'll take a break.refuel.i need to work on the studio.i work on renovation every chance I get...I'm driven.
Mary: what inspired you to your present project? Do you think poets are underpaid?Are poets forced into the academic mold? Does academia taint poetry?
Me: yes to all of those.and all poets would have to get paid first before we could label it underpaid or overpaid don't
you think. And I'm self taught.i have no insight into academia.but I would assume so.
Mary: yes, personally I think colleges have destroyed the visual arts.,and
distorted the wisdom and experience of the poets.
Me: my editrix over at The Razor's Wine
inspired me to do this project.
Recently she went in voluntarily to readjust her medications. But her whereabouts where kept secret by whoever drove her in. I felt very bad not being able to tell her how much I admired her perseverance and courage.
something about outside influences not being good in her recovery. That's me.
Of course I didn't agree with that but was sadly forced to respect their wishes.
Not wanting to sit on my hands I wanted to show my teacher she had taught me well. so I put the dialogs together to help poets communicate with each other.
Just something she would see later and know how much she was missed and needed.


PoetryMagazine.com is published by Gilford Graphics  www.nycny.net

Mary Barnet


Grace Cavalieri

Joan Gelfand

Janet Brennan




