Christina Pacosz
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The House in Hamtramck

for Anthony Kostrzewski, June 13,1875 – February 6, 1955

So cold those long-ago winters
my parents had to pin my blanket
to the crib mattress to keep me warm
Later I kept warm
by dancing in the parlor to Chopin
on Polish radio
in front of the coal stove
for my dziadza
whom I loved in any season
Much later my mother
told me how as a conscript in the tsar's army
her father kept warm
by bleeding a horse
and drinking its blood mixed with mare's milk and groats
if he had any


 Mid-November.  Dawn.
            Grey then pink
            that 1950's color combo
            so popular still
                                      -    shoelaces in an argyle pattern
                                            on her black
                                            and white oxfords  -
            That's where they want us
            back when they had a firm grip
            and everything was good
            Women happy like commercials
                                     -   shirtwaist pale apricot
                                         combed cotton
                                         and a hoopskirt
                                         for added oomph -
            Men believed it when they
            got all the credit
            The Powers were certain
            it would go on
            Running the ship
            and keeping it in shape
            meant wars
            around the globe
            in Profit's name
            A terrible tocsin
            booming and jeering
            at everything
            that truly matters
            This very day
            The sun rising
            with a pink bravado
            in the grey sky

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© Copyright, Christina Pacosz.
All rights reserved.