Christina Pacosz
Page 3




Standing on the oozing edge of blacktop
in the rosy dark
I listen to the enormous metallic hum,
the multitude of conversation passing above me,
a high-wire cacophony
in a dark desert.
The sound sucks me in and
I cannot decipher or delineate
Not myself,
the dark, light,
night, day, left, right,
good, bad, or
where the edge is
and why there needs to be
a form, something contained.


I struggle and open
my eyes.  The drone continues,
ominous in the deepening night.


A plant,
one of thousands
cultivated in the machine-sowed, tended rows
raises it chemical-prodded
green flag to the evening.


I stoop
and stroke its leaves.


I am
less afraid.

Note: "7" is  from the Notes from the Red Zone, 
Seven Kitchens, 2009




© Copyright, Christina Pacosz.
All rights reserved.