Poetry Reviews

By Joan Gelfand


Review of 86 Sonnets 
by Mary Barnet
Casa de Snapdragon Publishing, 2015
 ISBN: 9781937240509



‘Beauteous stupefaction.’ Barnet’s phrases arrest a reader's attention, invite you to wonder,
return and ponder. 


“86 Sonnets” are sincere and ironic by turns as the series couples old with new, iambic pentameter
with tech forward by Richard Schiff.


 Looking back while still looking forward, Barnet “reclaims the roots of me,” as she ‘brushes away cobwebs.’ 
A new lover ‘pulls all hopelessness out like burrs,’ and hope springs eternal.  With practiced integrity
 to the sonnet form, Barnet takes liberties with formality to great success.


 Exploring the wreckage of Hurricane Sandy, never ending wars, homelessness and death, Barnet
manages to leave us refreshed, renewed and inspired.


Joan Gelfand, Author, Past President of the Women’s National Book Association, blogger with The Huffington Post,
National Book Critics Circle
 (- Joan Gelfand, Author of “The Long Blue Room,” (Benicia Literary Arts,) and the
forthcoming novel, “Fear To Shred,” due in Sept. 2015 with Incanto Press.)