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Since 1996 Volume XXI

Rebecca Foust
Rebecca Foust’s books include All That Gorgeous Pitiless Song (Many Mountains Moving Book Prize) and God, Seed (Foreword Book of the Year Award). Foust received an MFA from Warren Wilson in 2010 and is the recent recipient of fellowships from The Frost Place and the MacDowell Colony. 




                    After Kunitz



O Love this happened or it did not.

In a room with green walls


my son was born. The cord was torn

too soon, so they cut off


his head to save his heart. He lived

for a long time.


For a long time there was no breath or cry.

When finally he spoke,


he spoke the wide, whorled leaves of corn.

He spoke the crickets


in clusters beneath the sheaves, he sang

the soil in. He sang the wind


in the dune and hush of ebb tide. Some say

he died. Some say he died.



 first published inThe Hudson Review, 2013. 



© Copyright, Rebecca Foust.
All Rights Reserved.