
Joan Gelfand

Joan’s work has been published in national and international publications, including Kalliope, Levure Litteraire, The Toronto Quarterly, Rattle and Prairie Schooner. Readings include Bowery Poetry Club, Southern Festival of Books, Litquake, The Oakland Museum and the NY Public Library. She has been featured on KPIX, NBC, cable TV and over 20 radio stations .Joan is the Poetry Editor for the “J,” the Development Chair of theWomen’s National Book Association and a member of the National Book Critics Circle. Joan’s newest poetry collection is “The Long Blue Room,” Benicia Literary Arts, 2014. Previous books: “A Dreamer’s Guide to Cities and Streams,” “Here & Abroad,” and “Seeking Center.” Her CD, “Transported,” can be found on iTunes.




Good morning America, Where Are You?

Now that the buck has stopped

The jig is up

The well done run

Dry your eyes. You’re done.

The party’s over the game is played

The bad boys took off

With the cache.

Now that the buck has stopped

Where are you?

What’s your place?

What’s really on your mind?

Now that the buck has stopped

Did you make the right choices,

Sacrifice the best of times?

Can you remember your kid’s last season?

Who won, who lost, who’s behind?

Good morning America.

The drug of distraction’s worn off

The cocaine high of overvalued

Done gone good-bye.

And this downturn, this turn down,

This big big disappointment, bummer slump

Might just be Nature’s way of cooling us off

Cooling us down - all that dough

Rising and rising making us feel

Super, natural but you know she’s the boss

Nature had to cool off!

Man! She was feeling the heat.

You have lost and

I feel for you

All that hard work and

Faith in The Street.

There’s a knock knock joke

In here somewhere

Something along the lines of

“How many Investment Managers

Does it take to screw...”

Or was that greed I heard knocking

Your knees back there?




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© Copyright, 2014, Joan Gelfand.
All Rights Reserved.