Strider Marcus Jones
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cover me
and lover me
after wine and words,
don’t try to see
the other me-
of cuts and blurs.
our soft, warm situation
makes my mouthed out revelation
go unheard-
in subliminal salvation
on the cusp of your creation
when the whole invective drowns our burrs-
so tomorrow me,
un-sorrow me
through patient years,
in cantons of neutrality
with your nuance of normality
shaping what appears.

the list of ways to love,
do not need mention
when they play to love-
for by intention,
they enable love
and give invention
to its days.
to us, the gaze of love,
through every phase of love
holds full retention
of every stage of love
and each dimension
it portrays.
to us, the simple greys of love
are quiet moments to inspect
the coloured haze of love;
and if its heart, is yours, as you expect,
you know its mind will move this love
through each new aspect
of its age, and be it's architect
and actor, in sublime scenes and simple ways.
if i could lose
this weight of water from my shoes,
that follows the place i'm walking-
i know it's not the blues,
or patterns in the grooves
of souls talking-
but the plate of my mistakes
is full and contemplates
what's left to be worth calling.
i change my shoes,
and tune my station
to your chords of conversation,
and in these wired interludes-
i find life's translation.



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