
Hongvan Nguyen

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Baltimore Streets


                        Baltimore streets next to the Harbor Place

                        at noon were filled up with business men

                        and women jostling among hobos and

                        kids looking like those who had just


                        relinquished from home and crazily wanted

                        to shop and to wander. Cold winds couldn’t

                        slow them down, nor could the hurrying traffic.

                        Rushing passengers pulled their wheeled caddies


                        along the pavement while black and white

                        pushed carts of food along the aisles in

                        crowded supermarkets. Inside a restaurant,

                        young couples and families enjoyed their


                        appetite meals with spicy color-looking dishes.

                        No effeminate figures, nor languid activities

                        were seen in this enclave of a big city on a dry

                        day. Then in the afternoon, when the snow


                        suddenly started to fall down thick and hard ;     

                        we could see kids among adults were hasting to

                        get on and off their own vehicles or buses.

                        Flows of passengers ran out of office buildings


                        and shops trying to get home as soon and as

                        fast as possible. At buses stop, a lady wearing

                        a short skirt was shivering in her dress shoes with

                        thin, sheer pantyhose and no thick socks to


                        wait for the bus to come.



New York


                                   We jump off the bus, feeling like normal

                                    people doing the shopping after an hour of being

                                    lost and being driven around by the driver who

                                    couldn’t find a place to stop. Then the two ladies

                                    who walks with me found themselves the

                                    fresh coconuts that can substitute for a soda

                                    stopped to buy them while I keep on walking.

                                    Until I can’t hear their voice answering me,

                                    I know I lost them. I turn my head to look

                                    back and see them a block away. Hurriedly, I

                                    walk back to where they are standing and

                                    join them with my purchasing, a can of soda.


                                    “I want to have some Chinese steamed buns

                                    in that store!” I point my finger toward a

                                    Chinese store in front of us. Suddenly, another

                                    group of ladies passing by say loudly, “Are you

                                    coming with us to eat some pho?” The other two

                                    ladies haven’t yet know what to say. I reply

                                    quickly, “No, don’t have much money!”

                                    She beckons her hand to show the sign 

                                    of her disapproval about what I’d just said,

                                    and they walk away without waiting for us.

                                    Suddenly, I remember that just a month

                                    ago, we grouped together to demonstrate

                                    our opposition to China’s invasion and their

                                    seizure of the Spratly and the Paracel islands

                                    from our country, and think that she had

                                    consequently expressed her abomination

                                    toward the Chinese about that matter.



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