
Rhona McAdam

Rhona McAdam is a writer, food activist and holistic nutritionist. Her poetry has been published in Canada, the US and England since the 1980s. In 2012 she published an urban agriculture manifesto, Digging the City (RMB). Ex-ville (Oolichan, 2014) is her sixth full-length poetry collection. She lives in Victoria, B.C. 




Evolution of the Tick

                                            Their DNA

wraps them round grasses

leaving four arms free

for the ride.

                   They’ve chosen their colours

so they can best be worn, like buttons

or matching socks.
                        They wear

their sex on their backs,

their waistbands are


              They slide

between leaves in our books,

stopping to blacken

a favourite word.

                               They are

messengers of heat

and heartbeat.

                      They slip

eight legs and a metaphor

under our doors, pause

in postures of creep

on night’s walls.

                          On us

they crawl indiscernibly skywards,

males tangling in the long grass

of our thinking caps, seeking

the anchored female

in an ancient quest:

sex and blood, sex

and blood.




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All Rights Reserved.