
d.n. simmers

d.n. simmers is an on line editor with fine lines. He is on the current Poetry Salzburg.    He is in an anthology in Bulgaria, in English and Rumanian and Spanish. He is in or        will be in Red River Review, The Storyteller, Nomad's Choir, Poetry Pacific, Prairie Journal. He has been in Van Gogh's Ear, Splizz Wales, Poetry New Zealand. He has  been in numerous magazines in the U.K. and was in the 125 Anniversary Issue of Vancouver, put out by sub terrain.


                          “ I always thought  that a line should leave the page     with extended claws, a sweet and sudden rage.”

                                                                                    Tony Barnstone

Not every one leaves the same way. Shot. Heart attack, muck

Under a fast and speeding car. Knife. Drowning

All are places and seconds when the moving stops

And the face slowly softens then the eyes stare.


Every night somewhere, some one is going away

Dark alley , dark drugs , dark pain in parks and

Streets and bush and working girl hallways


While a neighbour is watching T.V.

Or flirting with a cop on the next street



Spiders pass by and do not bite until they

Are ready and then, at the right time

Place , its done and its over and

They move on.


Night and day the wings go up and down in

Seas and ponds and picnic places while the

Dying just lay down to sleep

Lay down their dreams and slip away.




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© Copyright, 2013, d.n. simmers.
All Rights Reserved.