Nellie Wong
Page 3


The Dream Police” are coming.  Everything you don’t put down will be snatched away from you"
                                    Deena Metzger
To live forever
Becoming immortal
The jade and gold of living and working
Never giving up
So much to absorb, to inhale
Yes, even to spit out
The voices that lurk
No specters
No holds barred
Why not?
Impossibility drops from my vocabulary
To work, to write
To sing and dance
Even if bunions cling
And misshape your feet
Causes are just
To free Mumia, Leonard, Marilyn, the San Francisco 8
Losing sleep is not a crime
I can jail myself if I want
But I don’t want
I love even without a partner
Ben and Sasha stare at me
When I get down on the carpet
And pretend I’m a red motorcycle
The joy incumbent in breathing
No snatching, dream stopper
No barricades that I don’t jump over
Even plow into you, a bulldozer with eyes
That stare you down
The mountains are full of moisture
The chrysanthemums of youth
The lead of “shoulds” and “can’t’s” rain
And melt into the deep turquoise sea
Too old?  What’s that?
Too technologically challenged?
What’s that?
Don’t need to be proficient in iPods, do I?
Just give me a pen, but no pencils
That are short and stubby
I’ll write in my head
When paper runs out
Ride the Fillmore #22
The BART train to serendipity
Talking to strangers whose wisdom surprises
If you listen between moans and curses
Strangers who I’ll not see again
Memories tango, rumba
Nourish the whole body
Nightmares become the face
Of what fear demands
To stop you, stop you
But songs of breath, songs of breath
Keep you a shadow becoming light.




Leslie and I snore lightly
In the back seat of the ’39 Dodge
We know not whether we are flying
or dreaming or just tired
Ma pays no attention, her eyes focused
On the bright lights of Ai Fow
Bah Bah is driving us home to Oakland
after a grand day of eating cha ngow
and drinking po-nay cha
Uncle, Ah Chenk, brother-in-law
of Ma, slender in his three-piece suit
treated us to dinner of prime rib
and mashed potatoes
Leslie’s and my bellies’ growling
halted by a sumptuous feast
Suddenly Bah Bah cries out,
never taking his eye off the road,
“See the bau see moon?”
His voice waking up our tender ears
We rise and peer out the window
beyond the arc of the silver bridge
and spy the stuck-up moon
glowing in the midnight sky



© Copyright, 2012, Nellie Wong.
All rights reserved.